Pot styling brings your plants to life


Our pot styling service can bring your space and carefully crafted landscape design to life. Using beautiful handcrafted pots, we use our eye for design to style your indigenous and native plants.


Being around plants encourages relaxation and eases stress. We can help you create a focal point in your space, embrace the textural and sculptural features of plants or set a mood. We’ll choose native and indigenous plants and complementary pots that amplify their shape, size, colour and the overall visual effect

Pot Styling Consultation Package

Our pot styling consultation is perfect for those who want to incorporate potted greenery in an indoor or outdoor space but aren’t sure where to begin.

After the consultation, you will receive a layout plan that identifies the selected pots, location of pots, and specifies plants for each pot.

This will include a quotation for installation and a 12-month maintenance plan.

What’s included…

1hr on site/in person Consultation
Pot styling design package – plants, pots and location
Quotation for pot and plant supply and installation.

$1,290 + GST

Pot styling, Indoor and Outdoor Plant care, and related topics, here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) that readers have asked us:


1. Q: Can I use the same soil for both indoor and outdoor potted plants?

   - A: While some general purpose soils work for both, it's advisable to pick soil choices to the specific needs of your plants, considering factors like drainage, aeration, and nutrient content.


2. Q: How often should I water my potted plants?

   - A: The frequency of watering depends on various factors, including plant type, season, and indoor/outdoor conditions. Regularly check the soil moisture, and water when the top 3cm feels dry.


3. Q: What are some low maintenance outdoor plants suitable for beginners?

   - A: Consider starting with resilient options like succulents, herbs, or native plants, which often require less care and are more forgiving for beginners.


4. Q: How do I choose the right pots for my plants?

   - A: Select pots that provide adequate drainage, are appropriately sized for the plant's root system, and complement the aesthetic of your space, considering factors like material and colour.


5. Q: Can I use any fertiliser for my potted plants?

   - A: It's essential to choose a fertiliser that aligns with your plant's specific needs. Some plants may require a balanced, all purpose fertiliser, while others benefit from a more specialised formula.


6. Q: What indoor plants thrive in low-light conditions?

   - A: Opt for low-light-tolerant plants such as snake plants, pothos, or ZZ plants for areas with limited natural light.


7. Q: How do I prevent pests on my potted plants?

   - A: Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests, practice good hygiene, and consider natural pest control methods like neem oil or introducing beneficial insects.


8. Q: Can I repot my plants at any time of the year?

   - A: While some plants tolerate repotting throughout the year, it's generally recommended to do so during the growing season (Spring or early Summer) to minimise stress on the plant.


9. Q: What are some space saving pot styling ideas for smaller spaces?

   - A: Explore vertical gardening with wall mounted or hanging planters, use compact plant varieties, and consider creative placement, such as window sills, shelves and other nooks.


10. Q: How do I choose plants that won't be toxic to pets in an indoor setting?

    - A: Select pet friendly plants like spider plants, Boston ferns, or succulents that are not toxic to cats and dogs. Always cross check plant toxicity with reliable sources.


If there are any other questions you would like to ask us feel free to email us on info@platylobium.com.au or send us a DM on @platylobium_pot_styling. We would love to hear from you!