Mastering Pot Plant Maintenance: A Guide to Keeping your Plants in Pots Happy

Hello, Plant Enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the essential realm of pot plant maintenance to ensure your green haven not only looks stunning but thrives with vitality. Let's explore the key aspects that will keep your potted plants healthy and happy.

Just before we get started we want to recommend one of our personal favourite sources for Australian native plant information; ‘Gardening with Angus’.

This data base will give you just about everything you need to take care of your native plant needs.

1. Watering:


Maintaining frequent watering is super important when taking care of your plants. Adjust your watering routine based on the season, plant species, and climate. This is generally listed on the plant tag, and if not a short google search away. A good rule of thumb is to water when the top 3cm of soil feels dry.


Establish a consistent watering schedule to keep stability. Aim for regular intervals rather than occasional drenching. We recommend setting alarms 2-3 times a week (dependant on the plant type) to remind you to water your plants as it creates routine for yourself and the plants.


Regularly check your plants for signs of overwatering or underwatering. Signs in plants will generally present in the following; wilting, yellowing leaves, or waterlogged soil are indicators that adjustments are needed.

2. Pruning:

Trimming and Shaping:

Shape and size are kept in check through strategic pruning, promoting plant health by removing dead or damaged foliage. One of our favourite plants to sculpt is a Correa alba, creating a stunning look.


Regularly remove flowers that appear to what we can best describe as dried out, this encourages continuous blooming and redirect energy towards new growth.

3. Nutrients:


Create a fertilisation plan that aligns with the specific needs of your plants as directed by the plant tag or your google search (ensure that you are using a reliable source). Some plants thrive with a monthly dose, while others may require a more frequent or diluted approach. Products like ‘Seasol' are great for fertilising, use as per product directions.

Organic Alternatives:

Consider incorporating organic fertilisers to promote long-term soil health. Compost or organic matter enhances nutrient levels and supports a thriving ecosystem within the pot.

Seasonal Adjustments:

Adapt your fertilisation routine based on the seasons. Plants often have varying nutrient requirements during growth phases, flowering, or dormancy.

4. Pests:

Regular Inspections:

Keep an eye on your plants for any signs of pests. Early detection allows for early and effective intervention.

Natural Remedies:

Explore natural pest control methods such as neem oil, insecticidal soap, or introducing beneficial insects. Minimise the use of harsh chemicals to maintain a healthy plant environment.

5. Seasonal Considerations:


When pot styling plant selection is a vital part of it, therefore considering the climate in which the pot plants will grow in refines our plant selection process. However occasionally we do fall in love with a plant that may not adore the climate conditions in this case during the colder months, adjust your maintenance routine to protect plants from frost.


In hot weather, don’t forget about plant hydration. Increase watering frequency and provide shade during peak sunlight hours to prevent any stress on your plants.

Pot plant maintenance is a process that requires attention, care, and a bit of intuition. By integrating these practices into your routine should allow for great plant parenting! If you ever need expert advice, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Platylobium Pot Styling. Happy maintaining!


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